If you still think there is no God you’re doing well.
It’s all fair that our ancestors left posterity a legacy, even legacies, to prove their right of existence and an opportunity well taken. I mean there would have been a better Newton if Newton never took advantage of his being born early in the history years, at least of documented Mathematics. After all success hangs by a thread for mavericks who decide to nurse their own seedlings. I have read little about them and their attitude towards religion but I have reasons to believe that they acknowledged, implicitly or explicitly, the existence of a so supernatural power. I say they knew God.
The evidence is quite murky. Unless you come with no predisposition, I make a mess of my time and faculty tying together discrete elements to form a believable logic. However, it quenches a certain “very weird” thirst. My proposition revolves around the mathematical explanation of the number zero. I argue loudly, yet not noisily, about the significance of the inexplicable answer of type undefined for a mere division of a concrete object by zero. In case you wink at the effect of dividing a number by zero, ladies and gentlemen, I am humbled to inform you that it can bring your computer down on its knees. You tumble down. Just. Like. That.
This is what I think.
This is how God is so similar to the nature of zero (not its value). Just like zero, God is a spirit, invincible, and cannot be touched. Nobody touched zero oranges and nobody ever would. You just feel it. You feel you have zero oranges just like that. Abstract. And this is what you can’t do to zero oranges:
- 1. You dare not say zero orange (singular). Even though it can’t be seen and felt, it’s more and it’s plural.
- 2. You better save your name and that of your family by keeping your knife away from peeling zero oranges for who knows.
- 3. You don’t give anybody zero oranges. Everybody has zero oranges so just remind them.
On the one hand, God is similar to the nature of zero. No weapon built or under-construction or at the prototyping stage or at AutoCAD stage can cause the irreducible minimum change in Him. On the other hand, an attack on you (or me or whoever) by God is as at now unfathomable in the minds of the celebrated torchbearers. Those who through abstracts, with abstracts, could without pain visualise shapes, patterns, energy, and whatever was considered only visible to the brainiest. So if I were you, I’d not align myself opposite in direction (of course not in magnitude) to the Almighty while I still have the opportunity to choose my bearing because in this design world lines collide.